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General Information

  • Class placement is strictly teacher discretion.  Classes are generally broken into groups by age and ability.  Some exceptions may apply.

  • Please notify the studio when your child will be absent, either by phone or email.

  • Please read the monthly newsletter thoroughly.  Newsletter contain all pertinent information for the month.

  • No food or drink in the dance studios.  Snacks and water may be eaten in the lobby.

  • Students are not permitted to hang on barres, touch mirrors or operate sound equipment.

  • In case of inclement weather, please check WPXI and check for an email.  The calendar year allows for a few snow days for each day of the week.  Classes will only be made up if we have more than 2 cancellations on a certain day.

  • Proper respect for the owner, staff, curriculum, fellow students and facility is expected of all students, parents, siblings, on or off-site when participating in classes, rehearsals, recital, and/or a studio event.


Class Etiquette

  • Attendance is important to obtain optimal training.  Roll is taken at the beginning of each class.  If a student misses more than 8 classes throughout the year, they will not be permitted to participate in the dance recital.

  • Students will only be dismissed by the teacher.  Please let the teacher know if a student needs to leave class early.

  • Students must ask the teacher permission to leave class to use the restroom, get a drink, etc.  We encourage the kids to use the restroom and get a drink between their classes.  Young students are permitted to use restroom during class with assistant from a parent, student teacher or teacher.

  • Please understand that our staff is not only teaching your child to dance but also discipline.  They must respect their teachers.  Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will be brought to the parents attention immediately.

  • Dress code is an important aspect of class etiquette.  Details are listed below.




Dress Code



  • Please adhere to the dress code.  It is in place so that the teachers may easily see the dancer's body so that corrections can be made.  This will be enforced throughout the season.  If your child is not dressed appropriately, he/she may not be permitted to participate in the dance class.





  • Several fundraisers are available for participation throughout the season.  None are mandatory, but all profits go in your personal account for your dancer.

  • Profits may be used toward costumes, tuition, program ads or competition fees (if applicable).

  • If student withdrawals prior to the end of the season, fundraiser profit is non-refundable.



Parent Observation

  • Parents are permitted to watch class during specified weeks during the season.  These will be included in your calendar of events.

  • Parents…PLEASE be on your best behavior while observing class.  Set a good example for your children by respecting their class and teachers.  If you need to take a call, please do so in the lobby.



  • All monthly tuition payments are due the first class of each month.

  • Tuition is non-refundable.

  • A $25 late fee is added to tuition if not paid by the 10th of the month.  If tuition is over a month late, an additional $25 late fee will be added and the student will not be permitted to participate in class until tuition is current.

  • Tuition will be the same whether it is a 3, 4, or 5 week month.  Tuition is based on 30/31 weeks per year.  If we have no or few snow days, students receive 31-33 weeks of class.

  • Once registered, student class placement is considered reserved for the season and it is expected to be a financial commitment for the season.  In case of withdrawal, please notify Amber immediately.  Tuition must be paid up to withdrawal date or legal action will be taken.

  • If tuition is paid in full in September, a 5% discount will be given.

  • There are NO pro-rated fees for missed classes.  In the case of prolonged illness, arrangement may be possible.

  • Payments may be made out to ACDA  or AC Dance Academy.

  • Payments may be made by cash, check or money order.

  • Please place the students name in the memo portion of the check, especially if different from the name on the check.

  • A $30 fee will be charged for any returned check.



  • Costumes are required for the annual recital for all classes except acrobats and technique.

  • Costume payments may be made at any time and in any amount.  Costumes are to be paid in full at the end of November.  The exact due date will be given in the September Events Calendar.

  • Students will be measured by the ACDA staff.  Costume sizes will be determined by girth.  Parents are responsible for any extra fees for exchanges or any and all alterations.

  • All costume deposits are non-refundable. 

  • If costumes are not paid in full by the due date, YOUR CHILD’S COSTUMES WILL NOT BE ORDERED.  NO EXCEPTIONS!  Costumes not ordered with the rest of the class will not only arrive later than all the others but you will incur extra fees.

  • As costumes come in and the recital approaches, more details will be given about each costume.


Annual Recital

  • All students must participate in the recital and all rehearsals.  From September through December, class focus will be on technique and perfecting movements.  Starting in January, classes will focus on learning a recital dance for each class.

  • All students must place a minimum picture ad in the recital program.

  • All students must have their picture taken by the studio photographer.  This occurs at the dance studio.

  • A hair/make-up/costume class will occur in the month of May.  A parent for each child are required to attend.  This is the student and parents “dress rehearsal” where all pertinent information regarding the show will be given.

  • As the performance approaches, more details will be given.

  • Recital is typically one of the last two weekends in May.


Competition and Solo Lessons

  • All competitive students and soloists are selected by Amber.  If your child is being considered, you will be notified.

  • Criteria that is necessary includes but is not limited to…a child’s natural ability, work ethic, willingness to take correction,  ability to follow directions, desire and passion to dance, teamwork and attitude.

  • Parents of students being considered must seriously consider the cost before making a decision.  Competitive dance is a much bigger financial commitment than being a recreational dancer.

  • Competitive students are required to take certain classes during the season and are required to take summer classes.

  • More complete information will be given if applicable.



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